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Posts posted by markjs

  1. Well I actually got so sick of 98 (for this reason on top of the fact that it has become a crash festival for me) that I installed XP so I have no 98 machine myself, but I wanted to know for future reference. I did set up the accounts and I tried both DCHP and static, and I could never even ping the machines. It was a 2 PC lan on crossover cable with cheap 10/100 linksys "Network Anywhere" cards, and I think it could be a possible driver issue, because I know how to set up a peer to peer network and I just could not do it. Anyway, its nice to know its possible...seemed insane and stupid to me that it didnt seem possible to me.

  2. When I first set up my 2 PC home lan (crossover cable), with my 2 XP Pro machines, when I told it to share the hard drive on the network, it worked 100% (all folders were accessible). Recently though I had to re-install XP on one machine because I had to upgrade the hard drive, and ever since it will not allow either machine to access the other machines Program Files, or My Documents folders no matter what I do! I have spent a lot of time trying to get it to work properly again and with no success, even when I tell the machine to share the folder specifically. I am at wits end, please someone help!!! Thanks in advance.

  3. Originally I installed the wnaspi32.dll that I used to have to use with Win2k but when I installed CDRWIN recentli it installed some ASPI drivers or something so just to try it, I just removed the original wnaspi32.dll that I used for 2K and I'll see if that helps resolve the issue.....building another machine at the moment so I dont have so much time to screw with it at the moment, but any more ideas anyone has are still welcome....thanks.

  4. I have noticed this on two of three machines I have and all are running XP Pro. Anyway, what happens is after a while (I think usually after some period of the computer being idle) the CD ROMs (on one machine a fully refurbished 8x4x32 Phillips CDRW and brand new Afreey 10x32x DVD-ROM and on the other which is a Laptop its a new Matshita DVD/CDRW 4x4x24 +6Xdvd) do not read CDs that normally read just fine. It happens more on the Laptop, but has happened on the desktop as well. It requires a reboot before it will read any CD and has at times required 2 reboots, but it always comes back. Anyone have any clue? Its totally maddening!mad

  5. I have a computer with XP on it that has been fine for several weeks, then seemingly with no cause it began to lockup when idle or in basic windows tasks. It is fine playing games for hours, but try and run notepad and it locks solid! I have cut all startup programs and scanned for viruses and all to no avail, and the next step is format and reinstall (likely 2k because XP seems to me to be seriously bug ridden). Does anyone have any clue how to solve this in the 11th hour before I blast out the whole hard drive?
