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Posts posted by serket

  1. Quote:
    Ah more id "innovation" (read: tarting up what others have done before and then whoring it like its your own work)

    Soldier of Fortune - QUAKE2 engine
    HL - QUAKE1 engine
    Half-Life characters also had what structure ?

    no matter what FPS you will name it uses either ID engine or crappy Epic engine.

  2. Quote:


    Let me see......

    I've been using Windows Media player (the free one) for a while watching music videos, system stutters.

    I download the latest free RealOne (formerly Realplayer) and my music videos don't stutter and play much better.

    No problem. So can I uninstall Windows media Player ?


    I want choice. The choice of what to have and what not to have on my computer. I think W2K is way too bloated and sorry, but can someone show me the differences between , say Office 95, 97, 2000 and XP ?? Apart from a silly paperclip assistants. What I'm trying to say here is we're being ripped off.

    If NT had USB that would have been fine, but W2K gives me a ton of stuff I don't need and eats up a ton of HD space also.

    And how have SUN been a big bunch of crooks, Bladerunner ??

    I use Windoze because it's the standard. But we all deserve better.

    First, you can uninstall WMP, just need a little work...
    Second, why would you bother about WMP if you installed spyware from Real which associates necessary audio/video formats with it.
    Third, you have a choice 'of what to have and what not to have on my computer' You cant force ppl to make what you wish!

    'But we all deserve better'

    It's not you who decides what you deserve, other ppl do like your family, friends, boss, school teacher, etc... If everything was the way you want it would be your world not others.

  3. Thanks for the tip, though this process should apply by default laugh guess that why i havent thought about it. I'll let him know.


    erm and sorry for posting WinME related stuff in XP forum laugh happened by default coz i use winxp and check xp forums only

  4. Hello fellas,


    My friend has a problem with his gf4 card that he recently bought.

    The problem is simple PC crashes in winme after some time usually 5 min after boot.


    his system specs:


    abit kt7a

    256mb PC-133

    TB 1.4ghz

    sb live

    HDD matrox 40gig


    gf4 gainward ti42 64mb tv/dvi

    hec 300w psu


    Video card isnt overclocked and never hot (same as cpu). He tried different driver/s settings and bios settings, even lowered fsb to 100mhz.


    Looks like nothing helps smirk


    Before that he had GF2 GTS which worked fine.


    Maybe it's dead GF4 ? Does anybody met such problem before ?

  5. Quote:
    So basically, you are unable to see further than the end of your nose ?

    Selfish, right ?

    They don't have the BEST OS around you clot, they have the most popular.


    Apperently you cant see under your *** laugh You like a moody girl who's whining about anything she doesnt like. Look up what word business means! it's not a charity.

    Oh and for erm mature way of speaking as you mentioned before smile i think you lack that a lot smile

    Have fun changing the world kid smile

  6. It's so funny to see all the hate you put in your post guys smile

    but tell me what would you do if you actually were Microsoft CEO ?


    It's safe to say that you'd make money the same way they do now... I'd personally enjoy working in Microsoft, because they pay good and have outstanding environment for productive work ;p


    Hate them now, hate them later but they still have the best OS around
