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I need a driver restoration program:

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The last time i installed SP1, i had to reinstall win2k because after installing, it said that the IDE controllers did not work.

Now, I want to try to instal SP1 again, but i need someway of restoring my old drivers if it screws my pc up again.


BTW, whatever program it is, it neds to self-boot or something because when it screwed up, i couldn't even login!

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i don't think that there is any such program available. If you run sp1 and your pc will not boot you are most likely going to have to reinstall.

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Any suggestions? I would really like to install SP1 (and not have to reinstall windows)!

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you can get a program to ghost your HDs that way you have an image of your drive in case it screws up

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could u suggest a good ghost prog?

one that isn't for netwrok cloning or at least can be used to restore my system from another hard-drive (i have 2, each with a separate version of win2k, one for me and one for the brother)?


I hate to sound dumb, but i just got norton ghost 6.5, and have no clue how to make an image file!

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