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How can I get a Recorded Macro to run when a .DOC opens?

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Hi Gang,

I would like to have a Word 2000 Macro run when I open a specific document. It's nothing fancy I just want the cursor in a specific place when people open the document. I've already recorded and named the macro. How can I get word to have that run every time a user opens the document?

Thanks in Advance,

Christian Blackburn

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I think you should be able to do this with the 'AutoOpen' macro facility in Word 2000. Basically, if you save a macro with this name, it will automatically execute when you open the document that contains it.


Heres some more info from the MS Knowledge Base http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=211659


And for Word 2002/2003 http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=286310


Hope this helps.

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Hi Ross,

Thank you so much for the help. I knew it would something ridiculously simple like that. The sub procedure I needed to add to my .Dot (document template file) was AutoNew.


Christian Blackburn

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