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window longhorn

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I have been looking for windows longhorn for a long time..

does anyone have the setup file?

who can help me??

thanks a lot

pls contact me by e-mail

yayaki@msn.com or icq 27776089

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If you are an official beta tester then you will be first sent a beta copy when they are available and there after will have access to the MS beta site to download new builds as they become available.


If you are not part of the beta test then you'll have to wait until its release.

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and MS beta is free =- i just got on myself and am using windows.net RC2.


is free - so why not sign up - better then gettting some alter copy of kaazaa or something


also - longhorn - is it even in beta stages yet?

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As far as I'm aware no - well if it is then somebody at MS has forgotten to send me a copy smile

Gone are the days unfortunately when the beta testers used to be able to get their hands on alpha copies.

I remember seeing Win95 in alpha and that truely was a sight to behold.

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I have been looking for windows longhorn for a long time..
does anyone have the setup file?
who can help me??
thanks a lot
pls contact me by e-mail
yayaki@msn.com or icq 27776089

The version that is currently available is a ware.z release, please do not make such requests here; Not only will they be ignored, but you will most likely be flamed for asking. I'm not sure what the hype is all about, anyway.

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Longhorn is in Alpha and if your desperate to give it ago dont bother, its not worth the downloading time and looks pritty much like XP does.

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