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Vantec NexStar 6G 2.5" Hard Drive Enclosure Review @HiTech Legion

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Hello Everyone,

HiTech Legion has released a new article. Hopefully your readers will

find it interesting.


/*Review:*/ Vantec NexStar 6G 2.5" Hard Drive Enclosure Review


( -at -) HiTech Legion


/*Snippet:*/ /"The Vantec NexStar 6G 2.5" SSD hard drive enclosure is

the perfect middle ground. The NexStar (M/N: NST-266S3) by Vantec allows

users to put in whichever size SSD fits their own needs best, and

supports USB 3.0 speeds of 6GB/s using the latest UASP protocols for

Windows 8. The NexStar is made of aluminum and has a plastic tray which

slides out to attach the SSD, and measures 120 x 77 x 15.5mm (LxWxH)." /


/*Article Url:*/




/*Image Url:*/ http://www.hitechlegion.com/images/storage/van_ns6g/1s.jpg


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