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About RobG

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  1. Will these drivers be fully functional with the advanced control panel applet???
  2. RobG

    New Bios for Epox 7KXA

    Everyone that has an Epox 7KXA board go over to www.amdzone.com and download the new bios. It fixed all the problems I was having with my sound card popping.
  3. What anti Virus are you running? If you are running McAfee or anything younger than Nortan Anti-Virus 7.03(i think) that could very possibly be it. We have seen a lot of issues with these two products since the launch of Win2k Pro.
  4. Yes my card works perfectly if it is not in the first slot. I have the RealMagic Hollywood + DVD Decoder. I am suprised to say that it works flawlessly.
  5. RobG

    I need a serial number for Win2K Pro

    Actually i do. I work for MS on the Win2k setup team. If you have a good job and make good money why would you cheat a company out of its money? Next time you download a warez version why dont you find the serial number, dip****.
  6. I just got an Epox 7KXA and i have had a lot of headaches. First of all i could not use my older(i say older but its pretty new) PC100 128meg stick of RAM. Second, for some reason when I put my DVD Decoder card in the first PCI it will not post with my memory and it just stops dead in its tracks. Third, my Aureal Vortex no longer worked worth a damn. I would get corruptions in the sound quality and it would eventually shut itself off. I just got a new sound card (SB Live! Platinum) and so far so good but I am in the process of getting the newest drivers for it. The system is still very fast compared to my oc'ed celeron 400. Do some research is all i can say. Make sure all your hardware is gonna work before you upgrade.
  7. RobG

    I need a serial number for Win2K Pro

    Here is mine feel free to register it. Y4RIG-H7YOU-W4R3Z-M0NK3-YFUKU Get a job and go buy it you little prick.