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CM last won the day on November 30 2017

CM had the most liked content!

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1 Neutral

About CM

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  1. CM

    Intelimouse Explorer and VIA chipset

    Did you tried another USB connector?
  2. CM

    aztech audio

    The Windows NT 4.0 might work http://help.nec-computers.com/uk/itemnr/NECFIUP04110100.asp
  3. CM

    Zykon Virtual Twister Game Controller

    Are there any Windows 2000 or WDM driver on the CD?
  4. CM

    ASUS V8200 Control Panel Missing

    Are using drivers from ASUS or NVIDIA? The latest drivers are here: ftp://ftp.asuscom.de/pub/ASUSCOM/TREIBER/VGA/V8200/
  5. CM

    Conexant Modem in XP

    Is that a Conexant HCF 56K softmodem? Then => http://808hi.com/56k/rockhcf.htm
  6. Nope. You cant use 5.1 drivers on the SB Live! 1024
  7. CM

    TV Tuner Suggestion

    I personal use the Pinnacle Bungee (w/MPEG2 Encoder, USB) and it works great so far under WinXP.
  8. CM

    voodoo3 and XP

    OpenGL works with the drivers from here - http://www.ntcompatible.com/3dfxfaq.shtml A good tutorial to get TV out working: http://ansible.homeip.net:8080/tutorials/winxp_3dfx/winxp_3dfx.html
  9. Is the new 4-in-1 driver stable? Last time i had "INACCESSABLE BOOT DEVICE" after 1 week or so
  10. CM

    TV Out

    >The thing is, when i connect the >coputer to the TV, the screen >wont "blow" up to fit the entire TV >screen. You need TV Tool http://www.tvtool.de/index_e.htm
  11. CM

    WinXP and IIS/Personal Web Server

    There is no web server in Home Edition If you want a web server you need Windows XP Professional
  12. CM

    Microsoft's Hotfix ftp

    Password protected? Why?
  13. CM

    XP Final?

    Windows XP Final Build 2600